Insights, discoveries, and analysis from Harvard scholars and scientists.
U.S. students need to start showing up
Detailing latest recovery scorecard, Ed School researcher urges broader action to reduce absenteeism, sharper focus on targeted catch-up efforts
A dietary swap that could lengthen your life?
Study finds replacing butter with plant-based oils cuts premature death risk by 17 percent
New hope for repairing eye damage once thought untreatable
Stem cell therapy safely restores cornea’s surface in clinical trial
Science & Tech
Exploring superconducting electrons in twisted graphene
Could up the game of lossless power transmission, levitating trains, quantum computing, even energy-efficient detectors for space exploration
Food, water — and a friendly face
Health professionals view social contact as basic human need. Now researchers have tracked neurological basis for it.
Older adults at highest risk for suicide, yet have fewest resources
Study highlights imbalance in targets of online suicide prevention efforts
Science & Tech
Hinting at answer to a chicken-or-egg question on evolution
Accidental find may help scientists resolve which evolved first: ability to produce oxygen by photosynthesis or consume it by aerobic metabolism
Could high office-vacancy rates damage economy this year?
Kenneth Rogoff sees tough road for some banks as surge of real estate loans come due by 2025, but doesn’t expect wider meltdown
Stroke risk higher for the chronically lonely
Study of adults over 50 examines how feelings boost threat over time
Americans hate inflation, full stop
No traction for more positive economic developments, research says
History of Chichén Itzá written in DNA
Research using new method upends narrative on ritual sacrifices, yields discovery on resistance built to colonial-era epidemics
Does AI help humans make better decisions?
One judge’s track record — with and without algorithm — surprises researchers
DNR orders for Down syndrome patients far exceeded pandemic norm
Co-author sees need for additional research and earlier, deeper conversations around care
Tracking entwined histories of malaria, humans
New study of ancient genomes tracks disease over 5,500 years, factors in spread, including trade, warfare, colonialism, and slavery
Researchers reverse hair loss caused by alopecia
Treatment holds promise for painlessly targeting affected areas without weakening immune system
Binge eating appears more widespread, persistent than thought
New research takes broader, deeper look at common, but poorly understood, disorder
Want to make robots more agile? Take a lesson from a rat.
Scientists create realistic virtual rodent with digital neural network to study how brain controls complex, coordinated movement
Alzheimer’s disease indicators track with biological changes in brain, study finds
Researchers see self-reported memory loss may be early, preclinical warning
More than a planetary fender-bender
New study finds Earth collided with dense interstellar cloud, possibly affecting life on planet
Bringing back a long extinct bird
Scientists sequence complete genome of bush moa, offering insights into its natural history, possible clues to evolution of flightless birds
Women who follow Mediterranean diet live longer
Large study shows benefits against cancer, cardiovascular mortality, also identifies likely biological drivers of better health
Harvard-led study IDs statin that may block pathway to some cancers
Cholesterol-lowering drug suppresses chronic inflammation that creates dangerous cascade
One way to help big groups of students? Volunteer tutors.
Research finds low-cost, online program yields significant results
Had a bad experience meditating? You’re not alone.
Altered states of consciousness through yoga, mindfulness more common than thought and mostly beneficial, study finds — though clinicians ill-equipped to help those who struggle
Rethinking life-support decisions
Of the survivors within one study group, more than 40% recovered at least some independence.
Everything counts!
New study finds step-count and time are equally valid in reducing health risks
Glimpse of next-generation internet
Physicists demo first metro-area quantum computer network in Boston
Science is making anti-aging progress. But do we want to live forever?
Nobel laureate details new book, which surveys research, touches on larger philosophical questions
More educated communities tend to be healthier. Why? Culture.
New study finds places with more college graduates tend to develop better lifestyle habits overall
Got milk? Does it give you problems?
Biomolecular archaeologist looks at why most of world’s population has trouble digesting beverage that helped shape civilization
Epic science inside a cubic millimeter of brain
Researchers publish largest-ever dataset of neural connections
Excited about new diet drug? This procedure seems better choice.
Study finds minimally invasive treatment more cost-effective over time, brings greater weight loss
How friends helped fuel the rise of a relentless enemy
Economists imagine an alternate universe where the opioid crisis peaked in ’06, and then explain why it didn’t
Getting ahead of liver cancer
Researchers hope identifying blood proteins may lead to earlier prediction of risk, increase treatment options
Alcohol is dangerous. So is ‘alcoholic.’
Researcher explains the human toll of language that makes addiction feel worse
Can we talk?
Study finds that conversation – even online – could be an effective strategy to help prevent cognitive decline and dementia
Early warning sign of extinction?
Fossil record stretching millions of years shows tiny ocean creatures on the move before Earth heats up