A composite image of photos from the weeks news.

Photo illustration by Liz Zonarich/Harvard Staff

Campus & Community

Origins of Indo-European? Diagnosis bias?

1 min read

Have you been paying attention? Test your knowledge of this week’s Gazette in our news quiz. 

Primary care shortage. New context for history. An extraordinary gift. What do you remember from this week at Harvard?

1. In a recent paper on subjectivity in the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders, Harvard researchers found a 14 percent increase in childhood ADHD diagnoses under what condition?
2. In 1925, archaeologists with the Harvard University–Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition uncovered the Tomb of Idu near the Great Pyramid at Giza. What new acquisition at the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East is helping visitors understand that tomb chapel in a new way?
3. The Harvard Art Museums are set to unveil a new exhibition thanks to a major gift of the works of which artist?
4. Landmark Harvard studies out this week identified the original speakers of proto-Indo-European, the ancestor tongue of languages spoken by about 40 percent of the world’s population. In which modern country did the researchers locate the speakers of this ancient tongue?
5. The Massachusetts Health Policy Commission has said that the state of primary care in the Commonwealth is “dire” as physicians retire and fewer medical students enter the field. What solutions might help?