American Indian tribes receive $80,000 for eight programs
In recognition of their achievements in governance, the University awarded eight American Indian tribal government programs with $10,000 each at ceremony in St. Paul, Minn., on Tuesday, Nov. 14. Administered by the Honoring Contributions in the Governance of American Indian Nations (Honoring Nations) Program, the award identifies and celebrates outstanding examples of tribal governance, including economic development, social services, resource management, and intergovernmental relations. Among 70 applicants from more than 50 Indian nations, the eight award recipients represent the “high honors” of American Indian tribal governance programs.
“Honoring Nations provides an opportunity for others to learn about and replicate these tribal governance success stories,” said Andrew Lee, the program’s executive director.
Based at the Kennedy School of Government, Honoring Nations is administered by the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development, established in 1986. The Harvard Project’s goal is to understand the conditions under which self-determined social and economic development is achieved among American Indian nations.