Thank you for submitting your event to the Harvard Gazette. We want your events to be accurate and accessible to ensure maximum impressions and attendance. Please consult the following instructions to ensure your event can be approved as quickly as possible. The form can be found at the bottom of this page.

Can I submit my event to the Harvard Gazette?

  • Events on campus sponsored by the University, its Schools, departments, centers, organizations, affiliates, and its recognized student groups will be published.
  • Local events involving faculty and recognized University organizations will be published in most cases, though rarely featured.
  • Unaffiliated local events may be considered for the calendar on a case-by-case basis, but are never featured.

The inclusion or exclusion of any event is at the sole discretion of the Harvard Gazette.

Submission Instructions

  • Gazette Classification: You must choose at least one type of event under ‘Gazette Classification’ but you may check all that apply.
  • Photos: You are strongly encouraged to upload a photo to accompany your event submission. The ‘Event image’ acts as a thumbnail, and the ‘Detail image’ is the full size image.
    Photos that do not meet these requirements may not be used:

    • Event image (1:1 thumbnail): min. 600 x 600px, pref. 1200 x 1200; res: 72 dpi
    • Detail image (3:2 banner): min. 600 x 400px, max. 900 x 600; res: 72 dpi
  • Repeating Events: Do not use the “Specify end” field to indicate that an event will repeat. This will set the duration, which the calendar registers as the length of an individual event. Duration should almost never be longer than 24 hours. If an event is submitted with an excessive duration (e.g. 60 days), the event will be deleted and the contact person notified to resubmit. To make an event repeat, use the ‘Repeat’ dropdown menu:
    • For events that repeat 7 days a week, select ‘Daily’ from the dropdown.
    • For events that repeat only on weekdays, or other non-consecutive schedules, choose Weekly from the dropdown and check off the applicable days.
  • Contact: If you have any questions, updates, cancellations, etc. after you have submitted an event, please send an email to both and
    • Please note that cancelling your event via the confirmation email will not remove the event from the calendar. To remove an event from the calendar, please contact the email addresses above.

Guidelines for events to appear on Welcome Wall

With the opening of the renovated Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center (SCC), a new opportunity exists to publicize Harvard events on the Welcome Wall, a large-format, interactive, multi-screen digital display that greets all visitors entering SCC via Massachusetts Avenue.  An automated feed from the online Trumba calendar has been created to feature events on these displays. If you are interested in having your event appear on the Wall, please be aware of the following guidelines:

  • All events with an image will be automatically added to the Wall feed
    As the Welcome Wall is a large visual medium, a picture must be included with your Trumba submission for the event to appear on the Wall screens. If your event does not have an image, it will not be included in the feed. For optimal viewing, we encourage you to submit the largest possible images (see specs above). A visual tone treatment is given to images that are too small, or to event images (thumbnails) that are smaller than their corresponding detail images (banners). To avoid this, please submit a larger event image than detail image. 
  • Event title and sponsor name(s)
    Events initially appear on the Welcome Wall as a condensed graphic that cycles through the event date, title, and your provided image. The technical constraints of this graphic require a character limit for both title and sponsor length. If your event title or sponsor name(s) exceed this limit, an ellipsis will appear at the end of your title and sponsor name, truncating them to fit the technical needs of the wall. However, once a visitor touches the screen and interacts with the condensed graphic to learn more about your event, the full title, sponsor name(s), image, and description will appear.
  • When your event will appear
    The Wall only shows events for the upcoming two weeks from the current calendar date. For example, if you are viewing the screen on Jan. 1, you will see events from Jan. 1–14. If your event takes place on Jan. 30, and you are observing the screens on Jan. 1, you will not see your event until later that month.  

Thank you!

Submit an event