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Aaron’s Test Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae felis scelerisque, interdum odio fermentum, eleifend dui. Mauris dapibus fringilla elementum. Curabitur nisl nisl, cursus a turpis eget, faucibus dictum…
Layout Example 2: Cats in Movies
From the silent film era to modern CGI extravaganzas, cats have been captivating audiences on the silver screen for over a century. Their enigmatic personalities, graceful movements, and undeniable charm…
Layout Example – Forests
Forests, the lungs of our planet, are much more than just collections of trees. They are complex ecosystems teeming with life, playing a crucial role in regulating climate, purifying water,…
What’s possible post
The promise and peril of AI A “Harvard Thinking” Podcast Defining terms From top left to bottom right:
Media selector testing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quod cum dixissent, ille contra. Non quaeritur autem quid naturae tuae consentaneum sit, sed quid disciplinae. Cuius similitudine perspecta in formarum specie…
Image replace on scroll sidebar
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Itaque in rebus minime obscuris non multus est apud eos disserendi labor. Ex ea difficultate illae fallaciloquae, ut ait Accius, malitiae natae…
MM Quiz Test
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non est igitur summum malum dolor. Quae cum essent dicta, discessimus. Nos vero, inquit ille; Quid enim? Illa tamen simplicia, vestra versuta.…
Women who follow Mediterranean diet live longer
Large study shows benefits against cancer, cardiovascular mortality, also identifies likely biological drivers of better health
Campus & Community
Why row from Boston to London? Because it’s there.
Spaulding Rehabilitation physiatrist, team taking new route, aim to set records
Arts & Culture
American Dream turned deadly
He just needs to pass the bar now. But blue-collar Conor’s life spirals after a tangled affair at old-money seaside enclave in Teddy Wayne’s literary thriller
Campus & Community
Next up for House renewal: Eliot
Building refresh aims to boost accessibility, preserve historic character
Campus & Community
FAS receives gift to bolster arts, humanities, and strengthen financial aid
Business leader Joseph Y. Bae ’94 and novelist Janice Y. K. Lee ’94 expand upon three decades of supporting academic excellence, opportunity at Harvard
Harvard-led study IDs statin that may block pathway to some cancers
Cholesterol-lowering drug suppresses chronic inflammation that creates dangerous cascade
Campus & Community
Dean’s legacy honored
Hoekstra, Faust, colleagues laud Robin Kelsey, who will step down from his arts and humanities deanship
Campus & Community
Tested most by game he didn’t play
Portrait honors Harvard’s first Black lacrosse player, whose 1941 benching in the South sparked outcry
New Alzheimer’s study suggests genetic cause of specific form of disease
Findings eventually could pave way to earlier diagnosis, treatment, and affect search for new therapies
Nation & World
One way to help big groups of students? Volunteer tutors.
Research finds low-cost, online program yields significant results
Arts & Culture
Just one family’s history – and the world’s
Claire Messud’s autobiographically inspired new novel traces ordinary lives through WWII, new world orders, Big Oil, and rise and fall of ideals
Arts & Culture
Digging into the Philippines Collections at the Peabody Museum
Filipino American archivist offers personal perspective to exhibit
Campus & Community
‘Shed the tears … get up and fight some more’
Justice Sonia Sotomayor on importance of civic engagement, youth involvement, giving back
Campus & Community
When should Harvard speak out?
Institutional Voice Working Group provides a roadmap in new report
Had a bad experience meditating? You’re not alone.
Altered states of consciousness through yoga, mindfulness more common than thought and mostly beneficial, study finds — though clinicians ill-equipped to help those who struggle
Arts & Culture
Better to be talented or lucky?
If you want fame, Cass Sunstein says, it typically requires some of both — and is no pure meritocracy
Rethinking life-support decisions
Of the survivors within one study group, more than 40% recovered at least some independence.
What to do about mental health crisis among Black males
Symposium examines thorny, multifaceted dilemma from systemic racism in policing, healthcare to stigma attached to psychotherapy in community
Campus & Community
Day to remember
One journey behind them, grads pause to reflect before starting the next
Campus & Community
Choose bravely, Ressa tells Harvard grads
Nobel Peace Prize-winning journalist puts values first in Commencement address focused on threats to democracy
Campus & Community
‘Be that voice for compassion, learning, understanding, and unity’
Burns and others deliver call to action – and empathy – at Class Day ceremonies
Campus & Community
Six receive honorary degrees
Harvard recognizes educator, conductor, theoretical physicist, advocate for elderly, writer, and Nobel laureate